Product Description
New 12 Volt Digital TV Converter Box For Use In Automobiles, RVs, Boats, Or Any Other 12 Volt Application
Technical Details
- Strictly For 12 Volt Aplications
- Includes Remote Control
- Analog Pass Through For Current Non Digital Broadcasts
- Can Lay Flat Or Stand Up Depending On Location
By Trillum (Portland OR)
I got two of these boxes early from Walmart but I have the AC120V but it looks exactly like this one for the digital conversion. I had two government coupons worth 40.00 each and bought two of them with the coupons. One is now not working as of this morning. Only the standby light (yellow) will light and it will not turn on with clicker nor with manually pushing the on button on the unit. We thought the night before it was acting up and reset it to factory settings then put in manufacturer code and it seemed to work after that but this morning it is not working at all. I think it has something to do with electrical since even the yellow standby light goes out too even when it is connected to electricity. I wonder if they are fire hazard as well. I think these units were rushed to market with very little testing. I think the federal government paid too much for these units since they were shipped in mass quantities to retailers just in time for the conversion and priced right around the 40.00 maximum allowable for the coupon. They made sure we had to buy these since no alternatives and they took advantage of charging the most for them that coupons would cover. I have a dvd player from Walmart that I paid less for that has lasted longer than this converter. Also the warranty for this unit is a joke at only 45 days. All Walmart had were these converters for sale so it was very much a monopoly at the time since you couldn't find other brands available. They knew these units were not built to last long hence the 45 day warranty. I would never buy another RCA product again after experiencing how they duped me with these converters.
By wing (USA)
the way i figured it is ,someone buys these for like 40 dollars ,opens it up and either bypasses the ac powersupply or takes it out, cause the powersupply is coverting it from 120 to 12 (or using a step down converter 12 volt to 5 volt ect) ,they just solder 2 wires in where the powersupply used to go now they sellin them for over 100 dollars but id say now there is no RCA warranty its only warranted by the guy who did the converting which is ok but id do that myself rather then have someone else do it and make the profit, there is a market for the 12 volt versions .For Rv Ect.
By Hance Mccray (biloxi, miss)
The dta 800 came with a red & black wire where it says 120v. My repairman is afraid that it will fry because every says 120v except a label placed on the box by ASA electronics.
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